Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Question #4

 The final question for the Creative Critical Reflection is, "How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?"


I used primarily my cell phone for this project. I used my computer briefly to research sound effects and create my blogs but my filming and editing was done only on my phone. 


As I stated previously, I used my phone to film and edit my project. I did use a tripod for the stable shots to ensure they weren't shaky or uneven. I didn't use a microphone since my opening was primarily sound effects based. 


I used iMovie to edit my entire project and did my coloring by experimenting with the settings in the camera app. I used for a few on my fonts and pixabay for my sound effects. I also used YouTube for the music in my film and to also research film openings for a previous blog post. Of course, I used to produce my blogs that document my progress.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

 Today in class we had a second group meeting. We discussed our current progress in the project so far, most of us were in the process of editing, we also talked about our ideas for the CCR. I showed the group some of my editing process and they said it looks good so far, I also was told that I should keep "Dead of Night" as my title which was reassuring but I am still not feeling it. If I don't come up with something soon, I'll have to keep that title. overall, I enjoyed collaborating with my peers today and getting feedback as well as giving feedback.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CCR Question #3

 The third question in the Creative Critical Reflection is, "How did your production skills develop throughout this project?"

 How process evolved

I started out unsure of how I was actually going to complete this project and finish it on time. As I completed each phase of the planning aspect, I had to make several changes so I would be able to finish it. I had an original idea for the opening which was to have it take place across two different times, but I thought that it was going to be risky so I ended up changing it. 

Research and Planning

I did a lot of research on the conventions and target audience of the genre I chose.  I spend a while planning what I was actually going to include in my opening and how I was going to execute it. I created a schedule so I was able to stay on top of time and finish by March 25 which helped. Creating a storyboard and shot list was a huge help in allowing me to actually produce the film the way I had imagined it. 

Production and Adapting

 I decided I wanted my project to take place in the woods so I immediately ha a location in mind. I filmed it at a local park which has a woodsy area and a lake. I had two of my friends help me with this project, one acted as the protagonist and the other assisted me with the recording process. A challenge I did face in production was trying to not get other people in my shots as it was a Saturday and quite busy. The park also has a shooting range in proximity to the woods so you can hear gunshots in the background which was fitting, but also annoying since you could hear it in the clips. The filming process took about an hour and a half.


At the beginning of this project, I was overwhelmed. It almost seemed like I wasn't going to be able to complete, especially alone. I learned how important the planning process is because my schedule, storyboards, and shot list helped me feel like I could actually execute it. I also learned a lot about the production process of films and how much work goes into it. Most importantly, I learned that I was more than capable of doing this project on my own, even though it may seem impossible.

Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR Question #2

 The second question for the Creative Critical Reflection is, "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

How I arrived at my target audience

I observed the type of people that typically enjoy certain post-apocalyptic media. A variety of groups and ages consume apocalyptic media. The Walking Dead's fanbase ranges from teenagers to adults, both male and female. A Quiet Place also has a fanbase of all ages and genders. I wanted my target audience to be targeted for teenagers but anyone of all ages can watch. 

How choices engage target audience

I chose specifically, a teenage girl to star in my opening because I wanted to attract that teenage target audience. As I have mentioned, having a teenage girl as the main character is unconventional for the apocalyptic genre so it may interest a new group of people. 

Distribution plan

I would distribute my film on YouTube, but market it through film festivals and social media. 

There are a few film festivals in South Florida but I would participate in the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival and Miami Short Film Festival. I would create a TikTok account to advertise my short film as well. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

CCR Question #1

I am starting to plan for my Creative Critical Reflection, the first question is, "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?"

Genre Conventions:

-Post-apocalyptic world

-Caused by natural causes

-May be centered around society after disaster


-Non-human creatures

My conventions:



-Female protagonist

-Teen protagonist

Protagonist representation:




Based on this research I created a script:

"Productions within the apocalyptic genre typically follow a protagonist who is trying to survive during, or after a disastrous event. Apocalypses are caused by pandemics, natural catastrophes, nuclear war, or alien invasions. Post-apocalyptic films are extremely common in this genre, post-apocalyptic films focus mainly on the collapse of society after the event has happened. Humans are typically antagonists in these films even though the apocalypse may be caused by non-humans. I notice in most apocalypse media, the protagonist is often a middle-aged man. In my opening, I wanted to strive away from that convention and have a teenage female as my main character. A convention that I used in my project is the idea of a post-apocalyptic society, my film takes place after a zombie apocalypse. I wanted my protagonist to break the traditional stereotype of a teenage girl which is typically viewed as incapable or dramatic. The main character in my film breaks these stereotypes because she has been able to survive alone for weeks and is resourceful. I had her use a switchblade in the last scene because I wanted to show just how capable of survival she is."

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post-production: Fonts and Music

The current title I have in mind for my film is "Dead of Night" (I might change it)  so I'm testing out fonts that fit that vibe. I'm thinking of a font that has thicker, more square letters. I found a font called "The Outbox St." on and have tested it:

This is the best option I could find for the title but I want the credits to be in a different font so I am using two fonts for the credits, "Arno" and "Prata". I combined them together:

For the music, I need to find a royalty-free song to use and I want it to be an acoustic song that matches the vibe. After looking at various websites I found a decent song on YouTube. I like the mood of the song because it sounds positive, but you can also sense a bit of melancholy in it which is what the character is feeling. I have edited it into my video and experimented with it as well as other sound effects:


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Post-Production: Editing Progress

 I have begun editing my portfolio project and have finished splitting the clips and arranging them. I now have a foundation to add other editing features such as sound, music, filters, etc. My project stands at 1:47 which is 13 seconds behind the time requirement so I will most likely fill the rest of the time with my production logo and scenic shots I took with he credits over it. I am not the most comfortable with Adobe After Effects and it also doesn't work on my computer so I decided to use iMovie on my phone since I have more experience and am more comfortable with it.

I have also begun experimenting with filters and coloring. I want a colder hue for my project with an emphasis on the greens and blues. I've tried different applications to achieve a color grade I like, but I found that actually, my camera roll had the most customization that I could get for free. I have come up with one option for coloring which I've included in a comparison below.

CCR Question #4

  The final question for the Creative Critical Reflection is, " How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in...