Friday, September 27, 2024

One Word Film

  •  For my One Word Film project, I was assigned a word and had to create a short story displaying the word. The point of the assignment was to display our editing skills so the project had to have no sound. 
  • The brainstorming process was extremely difficult:
-My word was 'Optimistic'. Coming up with ideas for this word was challenging as I am not a very optimistic person. I thought about scenarios that could happen in school that would be optimistic. My first idea was not sufficient so I had to start from scratch. Eventually, I came up with the idea of a student on their way to take a test and is visualizing a positive outcome. 
-I storyboarded my project which helped me filming my clips in order and remain organized. 
-I utilized Imovie because it is what I am most comfortable with.
  • Overall, I edited well. I filmed a few scenes from different angles and was happy with how I decided to cut them. I could have been more creative with the plot which was difficult considering the word I was given.
  • Link:

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots & Angles Quiz

 -For this assignment, we were told to use what we learned about shots and angles and create a scene utilizing the camera angles. We were instructed to use objects and create this scene using only photos. 

-I approached this assignment by brainstorming what story to create and with what objects. I started looking through my backpack for items I could use and my partner ended up having a perfume bottle and deodorant. We decided to make the story about a rivalry between the two scents, with one of them getting pushed off the desk at the end.

-I took the photos of the subjects well and made sure to utilize the focus aspect of the camera to illustrate the story more effectively. However, I could have been a bit more creative with the story or added some color to the photos.

-Link to my project is here

CCR Question #4

  The final question for the Creative Critical Reflection is, " How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in...