Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting #1

   In class today we met in groups to discuss and give feedback about our projects. When I shared my ideas with my group, they all liked my idea but had some suggestions. I was told that I should have the whole opening be just the pre-outbreak since it would make more sense as an opening. I agreed with this but I also thought I wouldn't be able to make it long enough for the time requirement of two minutes. Someone in my group shared some helpful resources with us as well:

-Simply Scripts: Has full scripts from every movie.

-Pixabay: Sound effects library

-Bulletproof Bear: Sound effects + Music

-Adobe Fonts: Font library

-Splitter AI: Splits music into instruments.

I told them about an obstacle that I had which was the news report at the beginning of the opening. In order to have a news report, I would have to create it. To get around this I had the idea of having an SOS message on her phone which my group approved of. 

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