Friday, February 28, 2025

Production: Filming

 Today I got my filming done and I am now ready to edit. Me and two of my friends met at Markham part at 9:30am and began filming. I started by taking some shots of the scenery in case I need some more clips to kill time or for the credits. 

We searched the woods for a tree that would fit the vision and found a patch of thicker trees and used one of them for the beginning. I used my friend's Walkman and an old journal for the beginning scene of her sitting under a tree. 

Then, I took some shots of her walking through the woods and one of my friends had an idea that she should take water from the lake and "drink" it. Of course, the lake is probably filled with brain-eating amoebas and stuff so she didn't actually drink it. I angled the camera in positions so it looked like she drank the water. 

Finally, we recorded the final scene with the switchblade which looked cool on camera. I am going to create a post breaking down this scene later so I won't go too much into detail but it was the most challenging part.

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